专辑名称:We Are the Others
音频格式:320K MP3
拥有十足个性嗓音的女声,在眾多男性主导之阳刚金属/摇滚圈中,软化过於喧噪暴戾气息,添入更多迷人音色,再加上歌德式韵脚的辅佐,使得Within Temptation不仅轻易征服欧洲摇滚铁汉,更站上国际舞台。
在全球无数乐迷体验了他们的无穷魅力,见识过Within Temptation的热力后,键盘手Martijn Westerholt另外组织起Delain,赢得欧洲最大音乐盛会EMA之〈最佳新人〉奖项肯定。
来自荷兰的Within Temptation团员Martijn Westerholt,於2001年离团,隔年邀请美丽女主音Charlotte Wessels和吉他手Ronald Landa、贝斯手Rob van der Loo、鼓手Sander Zoer等人,共同组织起Delain,即刻展开歌曲的录制,并顺利签入Roadrunner Records旗下,带出首张专辑“Lucidity”,星光闪耀地聚集圈内一伙好友助阵,包括:交响金属天团Nightwish主唱/贝斯手Marco Hietala、Leave’s Eyes的Liv Kristine、Within Temptation的Sharon den Ade等多达八位音乐人站台,引起全欧乐迷的热烈迴响。
I am very selective when it comes to female singers in metal bands. I am no fan of Nightwish and Arch Enemy is a bit too extreme in the female vocal department for me. I think I can count on one hand (plus a finger maybe) the number of female vocalists I enjoy and that I can listen to more than a song or two by them. Pretty much anything with Floor Jansen (Star One, After Forever, ReVamp) is involved with I have found to be enjoyable. Annlouice from DSO is another that I can listen to consistently. Arkona, Eluveitie, and Battlelore are also OK in my book. Charlotte Wessels of Dutch Symphonic Metal band Delain is included as well. I like these singers because they tend to be altos for the most part and don’t constantly sing in higher registers, providing a more powerful voice to music that needs it – metal. Delain’s latest album, We Are The Others on Roadrunner, is essentially a showcase of Wessels’ vocals.
Martijn Westerholt, keyboardist and founder of the band, has experience with female fronted bands, as he was the keyboard player for Within Temptation. He has continued here with Delain, writing melodic, yet heavy music that seems to be written for Wessels specifically. All of the songs are slower to mid-paced in tempo with a pattern of some riffing and the guitars and keys playing chords backing up Wessels. The songs do remind me of their previous album, April Rain, as they have the same sort of flow to them here, but the album comes across as somewhat darker. The first three songs, Mother Machine, Electricity and title track We Are The Others start the album off nicely, giving the Symphonic Metal fan a pleasurable listen. Clearly Wessels vocal stylings are on display, as the songwriting seems to evolve around her.
The next three songs, Milk and Honey, Hit Me With Your Best Shot (not the Pat Benetar tune), and I Want You, slow things down a bit (probably too much), and the album seems to lose some steam. Where is the Blood, with Burton C. Bell of Fear Factory, heavys things up again. Frankly I enjoyed Marco Hietala’s guest appearance on April Rain better – his contribution just fit the music better – but Burton’s performance here is fine, especially if you enjoy the “beauty and the beast” type of compositions. Of the last several tracks on the album, which are all well written and executed, songs Babylon and Get the Devil Out of Me are excellent, giving a nice kick to the conclusion of the work.
The version I have actually has four live tracks of previous material. I am not much of a fan of live recordings, so this part doesn’t make or break the album for me.
The band has played up its strength in Charlotte Wessels and will do well to keep doing so in the future. She certainly has some pop-like tendencies in her singing and, if you don’t mind it, pulls it off well. She actually reminds me of Shania Twain. I think Delain have given us a good Symphonic Metal album in We Are The Others, so if that is to your liking, I can definitely recommend this album to you.
01. Mother Machine (04:36)
02. Electricity (04:12)
03. We Are The Others (03:19)
04. Milk And Honey (04:29)
05. Hit Me With Your Best Shot (03:59)
06. I Want You (04:52)
07. Where Is The Blood (Feat. Burton C. Bell) (03:17)
08. Generation Me (03:44)
09. Babylon (04:08)
10. Are You Done With Me (03:07)
11. Get The Devil Out Of Me (03:21)
12. Not Enough (04:45)
Digipack bonus tracks:
13. The Gathering (live)
14. Control The Storm (live)
15. Shattered (Live)
16. Sleepwalker's Dream (Live)