专辑歌手:Fiona Apple
专辑名称:The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do
音频格式:128K MP3
美国摇滚女歌手Fiona Apple将在今年六月份发行个人近七年以来的首张专辑。Fiona Apple这张新专辑名字超长,叫《The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw, and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do》,专辑封面由Apple本人创作。
据了解,Fiona Apple这次夏季的巡回演出将从当地时间6月19日开始,这也是她的这张全新个人大碟上市的日子。Fiona Apple本次巡回演出将横穿北美大陆,巡演将从纽约的Ithaca拉开帷幕、于7月29日在好莱坞结束,一共将持续约40天时间。本次巡演将到访的著名场馆包括纳什维尔著名的雷曼礼堂和华盛顿的华纳剧院等,多伦多、芝加哥、堪萨斯、丹佛、西雅图和奥克兰等地都在本次巡演的版图当中。从当地时间本周五(4月13日)开始,部分演出场次的门票就将开始销售。
与此同时,Fiona Apple还公布了新专辑《The Idler Wheel.。.》中的第一首打榜单曲将是《Every Single Night》,在最近的小型演出中,Fiona Apple演唱的一系列新歌中就包括这首歌。目前,这首《Every Single Night》已经可以在iTunes在线商店购买,从当地时间4月24日开始,乐迷们就可以开始预订Fiona Apple的全新唱片《The Idler Wheel.。.》
2012 release, the first album in seven years from the acclaimed songstress. Recording of the album began casually and quietly in 2008 and Fiona kept the recording process secret from her fans and her label. Surprisingly enough, Epic Records were unaware that she was recording an album until she handed the finished product to them. The album was co-produced by her touring drummer, Charley Drayton.
首单<Every Single Night>试听:
01 “Every Single Night”
02 “Daredevil”
03 “Valentine”
04 “Jonathan”
05 “Left Alone”
06 “Werewolf”
07 “Periphery”
08 “Regret”
09 “Anything We Want”
10 “Hot Knife”
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