专辑歌手:Passion Pit
专辑类型:indie / electronic
音频格式:V0 MP3
Passion Pit乐队,由五个学究男误打误撞组成的一支乐队。Michael angelakos,Ian Hultquisy,Anad ladhamy,Jeff Apruzzese,Nate Donmoyer,从照片上就可以看出这五人不是靠姿 色出来混的。身材有点走样,头发有点凌乱,镜片有点厚实,多亏了他们的音乐跟他们的笑容一样,“略带神 经质的快乐至上”,成为一支乐观主义的“摇滚”乐队。
据说passion pit的一 夜成名,是建立在网络的高效率传递信息基础上的:michael在四个兄弟的合作下写给女友的作为情人节礼物的歌,一传十十传百,先是在校园FTP上下载量节节攀升,最后引得哈佛,MIT周边名校的人也闻风而至,为他们捧场。之后,那几首写给女友的歌便收录在《Chunk Of Change》里。
Passion Pit组合发行的EP“Chunk Of Change”是人民群众喜闻乐见的音乐。充满了阳光向上之情,表达了人民生活美满的喜悦之情,没有牛奶没有股 票。MV做得很不错,音乐更不用说了。
On July 24th, Passion Pit will release Gossamer, the expansive new album that will serve as a follow-up to the band’s 2009 full-length debut, Manners. Of the album, frontman Michael Angelakos explains, “on Gossamer there is more of a dichotomy between the lyrics and the music. You hear my lyrics more precisely, which is something I was ready for. The lyrics on this album have a lot to say about what the last two years of my life have been troubled with.”
01 Take a Walk
02 I’ll Be Alright
03 Carried Away
04 Constant Conversations
05 Mirrored Sea
06 Cry Like a Ghost
07 On My Way
08 Hideaway
09 Two Veils to Hide My Face
10 Love Is Greed
11 Its Not My Fault I’m Happy
12 Where We Belong
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