





Turbonegro《Sexual Harassment》2012/08/07 (320K)[KC 74MB]

由奈女神 发表于 2012-7-30 20:52:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
专辑名称:Sexual Harassment
发行日期:2012年8月7日 (US)
专辑类型:rock / punk
音频格式:320K MP3


  Turbonegro(挪威名Turboneger)是一只挪威的朋克摇滚乐队,活跃于1989年至1998年。乐队风格结合了glam rock, punk rock和hard rock,被称为deathpunk。
  这个乐队受影响于Black Flag, Rolling Stones, KISS, Venom, Radio Birdman, AC/DC, Iggy Pop & James Williamson, Circle Jerks, Ramones,Alice Cooper, Negazione, The Dictators and The Stooges,以及挪威的乐队DumDum Boys, Raga Rockers和 Jokke Valentinerne。
       Turbonegro最初成立于1988/1989年挪威Oslo的冬季。乐队成员为Thomas Seltzer aka Happy-Tom, Vegard Heskestad, P?l Bottger Kj?rnes, Rune Gr?nn, P?l Erik Carlin与 Tor-Kristian "TK" Jensen,其中Thomas与Vegard曾在之前组织过一个名为De Dype的乐队 - 一只只会以噪音来表达狗屎思想的二逼乐队,Turbonegro乐队早期风格是其延续。在其他的朋克乐队在努力制造噪声和所谓的真实的时候,他们开创了死亡朋克风格,很少有流行文化能和黑暗与绝望结合得这么好。

Sexual Harassment is the 9th album by the Norwegian band Turbonegro, and their first without longtime frontman Hank Von Helvete. What you get with Turbonegro is a combination of the old school arena rock feel of T. Rex, the party animal tenacity of Andrew W.K. and the in your face antics of Kiss.

Turbonegro have been around since the early ‘90s but really made their mark with 1998’s Apocalypse Dudes, guitar solos, lewd lyrics and a bit of corpse paint for good measure. 5 years off has not hurt them as the band still sounds fresh.

The first thing that should jump out at you on a good album is the insanely catchy hooks, and guitarist Euroboy is currently one of the best at this. Album opener “I Got A Knife” takes shape as a barnburner of a punk rock song of a generation past. One of the catchiest songs on the album is the irreverently titled “Shake Your S**t Machine” and is nowhere near as subtle as T Rex’s “Bang A Gong (Get It On)”, but clearly they are influenced by said material.

New vocalist Duke Of Nothing has a mild feeling of Clutch’s Neil Fallon about him, but doesn’t have the listener wondering about Hank, as his sound really seems to fit in with the band’s fast paced music and attitude. “TNA (The Nihilistic Army)” showcases the best combination of Duke and Euroboy’s band interplay. Even new drummer Tommy Manboy does his best impression of Donald Tardy (Andrew W.K., Obituary) as he seems to serve as the pacesetter for an eternal party.

“Buried Alive” is another song that seems to never slow down and might be the best song on the entire album as this really seems to be the best showcase of the “band” as a whole and is just about the most punk song you’ll hear all year long.

So if partying is your forte and are looking for a late night soundtrack to some extracurricular activities; Sexual Harassment (the album and not the act) may be right up your alley. Duke Of Nothing replaces Hank Von Helvete in a very good way, and while not their best, Sexual Harassment is a worthy addition to the band’s deep back catalog.


01. I Got a Knife (2:29)
02. Hello Darkness (2:56)
03. Shake Your Shit Machine (3:08)
04. TNA (The Nihilistic Army) (3:31)
05. Mister Sister (3:49)
06. Dude Without a Face (3:27)
07. Buried Alive (2:17)
08. Tight Jeans, Loose Leash (3:52)
09. Rise Below (4:05)
10. You Give Me Worms (3:23)

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