





Jens Lekman《I Know What Love Isn't》2012/09/04 (320K) [KC 81MB]

专辑歌手:Jens Lekman
专辑名称:I Know What Love Isn't
专辑类型:indie / pop
音频格式:320K MP3


Tracey Thorn wrote a song that reached Jens in the early stages of his new album, I Know What Love Isn't. In her song she sang "Oh Jens, oh Jens / your songs seem to look through a different lens / you're still so young, love ends just as easy as it's begun." A touching moment for the Swedish songwriter, having been a fan since his teens. But it came to him in a time when he found himself very confused and in doubt. He was changing and, subsequently, so were his songs. They weren't looking through that lens anymore.

I Know What Love Isn't came out of a break up, something Jens didn't see as worth writing about at first. The songs began more fleeting than the last go around, on his 2007 album Night Falls Over Kortedala. The songs began building from images and memories and soon began to take their own route, one that Lekman wasn't privy to their destination. In "The World Moves On" he paints a picture of a sweltering summer in the city of Melbourne where he lived while writing and recording the album. The hot days that led up to the Black Saturday bushfires, but also more mundane images of feeding possums in a park or getting in trouble with some guy on a scooter. It seems to lead nowhere at first but the aimlessness in itself reaches heartbreaking conclusions later on, summed up by the soaring chorus "...and you don't get over a broken heart, you just learn to carry it gracefully." Like Joan Didion once said that she writes entirely to find out what she's thinking, Jens wrote until he caught up with his thoughts. And of course they led him right back to the break up.

Musically, I Know What Love Isn't chooses an economic route. From the vast palette he created for Kortedala, he's only chosen a few somber colors this time around. There are strings but not a string section, an upright piano and not a grand, a single saxophone and gracenotes from a flute. The songs are lighter, almost aerodynamic, Jens explains - "I wanted the songs to take off almost unnoticeably, where the chorus is separated from the verse only through a small detail like a tambourine or a harmony. Like when you're in an airplane taking off and you look out the window and realize you're already in the air." A dry country piano makes "Become Someone Else's" lift high. Vocals from Melbourne singer Sophie Brous makes the chorus in "Erica America" soar. Strings pick up the title track and send it up to the sky without much effort or force.

In the latter, Lekman once again points the way to distill essential truths from every day life vignettes while singing about a sham marriage. "I thought of the Friday nights when I'd be cruising up and down the street with my best friend in her old crappy Holden, talking about getting married to get me into the country. The idea was so appealing, that we would build this constructed relationship around a purpose rather than some vague feeling that could change at anytime. But in the end, the sham marriage is much too great a story to be kept secret. At least when you make a living from telling stories."

And that's what I Know What Love Isn't... is. A collection of songs that grew to a story that had to be told. A story that is not new, but essentially human. The story of the grey areas of love that you have to excavate and explore, using the method of exclusion, to find out what love is.

  独立乐队风格音乐人Jens Lekman以其诙谐、忧郁的歌曲享誉世界,但面对荣誉,他始终保持清醒的头脑,孜孜不倦,潜心创作。

  Jens Lekman,莱克曼1981年出生于哥德堡附近的安杰瑞德镇,现定居澳大利亚。早在十四岁时他就开始弹吉他,并创作了百余首歌曲。他的吉他流行乐穿插着模糊的编曲,比如派对上酒醉的呢喃,也常常以爱情为主题。
  莱克曼自己录制和发行了很多专辑,在家中刻录CD歌碟。他2000年发行的《昆虫》(The Insect )EP大碟只做了20张拷贝,每一张前面都用蜡封住一只昆虫。
  曾有一度歌迷们对莱克曼的身份混淆不清。有一些人在他的单曲《洛基·丹尼斯告别盲姑娘之歌》(Rocky Dennis’ Farewell Song to the Blind Girl)发行后错误地认为这位令人激动的瑞典音乐家就是洛基·丹尼斯。为了终止这种疑惑,他在2004年发行了EP大碟《洛基·丹尼斯在天堂》(Rocky Dennis in Heaven)。
  莱克曼2003年的EP大碟《枫叶》(Maple Leaves)在瑞典电台广为传播,随后与美国唱片公司“Secretly Canadian”签约,在瑞典以外发行专辑。第二年他的第一张专辑诞生了,受到了大西洋两岸另类音乐媒体的热烈肯定。此专辑荣登瑞典排行榜季军,莱克曼也得到了多项音乐奖提名。
  莱克曼的现场演出时常给人惊喜,有时只有他本人和他的吉他,有时伴随着唱诗班或是四重奏。被誉为瑞典第十五位最性感的男人,他却经常避开媒体的闪光灯和围绕他在音乐界名声的各类宣传。 他依旧自己制作音碟,维护他那非常普通的网站,时常拒绝网站设计者们为他打造更专业的全新网站的提议。


        01         Every Little Hair Knows Your Name
        02         Erica America
        03         Become Someone Else's         
        04         Some Dandruff on Your Shoulder         
        05         She Just Don't Want to be With You Anymore         
        06         I Want a Pair of Cowboy Boots
        07         The World Moves On
        08         The End of the World Is Bigger Than Love
        09         I Know What Love Isn't
        10         Every Little Hair Knows Your Name


daiian 发表于 2013-1-6 15:29:52 | 只看该作者
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