





伟大的乐队 The Band – Music From Big Pink[ISO]快传[DSD 1.68G]

shero 发表于 2012-8-16 22:07:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



  音乐类型: Rock

  重新灌录: 2009

  录制时间: 1968

  发行地: USA

  格式: DSD 2.0,1 bit / 2.8 MHz,image (ISO)

  时长: 42:22



  None of the Band’s previous work gave much of a clue about how they would sound when they released their first album in July 1968. As it was, Music from Big Pink came as a surprise. At first blush, the group seemed to affect the sound of a loose jam session, alternating emphasis on different instruments, while the lead and harmony vocals passed back and forth as if the singers were making up their blend on the spot. In retrospect, especially as the lyrics sank in, the arrangements seemed far more considered and crafted to support a group of songs that took family, faith, and rural life as their subjects and proceeded to imbue their values with uncertainty. Some songs took on the theme of declining institutions less clearly than others, but the points were made musically as much as lyrically. Tenor Richard Manuel’s haunting, lonely voice gave the album much of its frightening aspect, while Rick Danko’s and Levon Helm’s rough-hewn styles reinforced the songs’ rustic fervor. The dominant instrument was Garth Hudson’s often icy and majestic organ, while Robbie Robertson’s unusual guitar work further destabilized the sound. The result was an album that reflected the turmoil of the late ’60s in a way that emphasized the tragedy inherent in the conflicts. Music from Big Pink came off as a shockingly divergent musical statement only a year after the ornate productions of Sgt. Pepper, and initially attracted attention because of the three songs Bob Dylan had either written or co-written. However, as soon as “The Weight” became a minor singles chart entry, the album and the group made their own impact, influencing a movement toward roots styles and country elements in rock. Over time, Music from Big Pink came to be regarded as a watershed work in the history of rock, one that introduced new tones and approaches to the constantly evolving genre.

  The Band这个伟大乐队的全记录,一套精美的组合套装,原版包括一本书,五张CD和一张DVD,其中记录了珍贵的实况演出的片段。Musical History追溯到了The Band的早期的伴奏乐队的时期,首先介绍了Ronnie Hawkins,然后是Bob Dylan和其他成员,包含了超过六个小时的音乐,记录了该乐队从开始到1976年的音乐生涯,包括37 首之前未曾发行的歌曲。

  关于the Band( 以下文字系转载):

  the Band,这个加拿大乐团的故事,应该追溯到什么时候开始讲呢?是从他们和老将Ronnie Hawkins在六○年代初期走唱江湖练功夫的时代开始,还是从他们还叫做The Hawks的时代,和Bob Dylan一起踏上那场永远翻转了流行音乐史的1965-1966年巡回演唱讲起?或许,我们应该把场景设定在Woodstock乡间那幢叫做Big Pink的老房子,看看那间孵育出The Basement Tapes的地下室里那座传说中的双轨录音座?

  关于The Band的传奇故事太多太多了。他们以独立艺人的姿态崛起,恰好是在Bob Dylan出车祸隐居起来的1967年。而在他们仅仅出了两张专辑‐‐\\Music From Big Pink(1967), the Band(1968)之后,The Band已经被目为当代最伟大最顶级的摇滚乐团,足以和Beatles, Stones平起平坐了。

  1968年,声望如日中天的Eric Clapton听了The Band同名专辑之后,毅然决定解散Cream,他说︰是这张专辑让他体会到,摇滚乐可以不用塞满永无止境的solo。这是一张改变了他的生命的专辑‐‐\\在那个年代,被The Band改变生命的听众,Clapton只是千千万万分之一而已。


  01. Tears Of Rage 5:24

  02. To Kingdom Come 3:22

  03. In A Station 3:36

  04. Caledonia Mission 3:00

  05. The Weight 4:38

06. We Can Talk 3:06
07. Long Black Veil 3:06
08. Chest Fever 5:18
09. Lonesome Suzie 4:04
10. This Wheel’s On Fire 3:14
11. I Shall Be Released 3:13



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